Was I Wrong?
I chose myself over her...
Was i wrong?
I wanted it to end, altogether...
Was i wrong?
There comes a sense of impending doom, sooner or later,
For the better, we turned lovers to haters...
Was i wrong?
'Was i wrong?' is what I'm stuck at,
Can't find someone to answer it all...
'Am i wrong?' is what is bugging me,
Nobody on the other side to call...
I sometimes think about the setting sun,
If I might rise again...
Admiring the strength it takes,
To rise and fall everyday...
I love the moon, the spots on it too, and the message it portrays...
It's empowering to see such imperfect perfection, admired everyday...
I love the stars, even the falling ones,
They say that everything decays...
It's all just a matter of time,
For all of us to be replaced...
No, I'm not irreplaceable,
I thought about it, gave it a day...
All i figured out was that,
We're here, on earth, for a vacay...
None of us have a purpose big enough,
not even a consolidated state...
You can choose to die like a hero,
And hope you're forgotten late...
Copyright © Shadab Uddin | Year Posted 2025
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