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An appliance has a warranty, Right there in black and white. You can get your money back If it won’t work just right. And purchasing a car provides Assurance in two styles – It’s guaranteed for either months Or, which comes first, in miles. The human body does not have A paper that imparts The promise of the life imbued In all its many parts. So sometimes organs need repair, Especially with age; And when such breakdowns happen, It is very hard to gauge. Your heart may suddenly decide It’s thumped its final beat; Or possibly, your knees get bored With holding up your feet. Your retina may think it’s time For it to just detach; And maybe hidden cancer cells Wake up and start to hatch. Sections of your brain may feel They’re kind of overloaded. Liver, kidneys, pancreas May start to look corroded. Symptoms warn us, sort of like That dread check-engine light; Then we must take action To bring order back from blight. Just think of how much easier And calm our lives would be, If, with our birth certificates, We got a warranty! Ilene Bauer (

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 5/28/2015 10:12:00 AM
This is so much fun!
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Date: 5/25/2015 12:53:00 AM
Skills, skills and more skills!! Congrats and fab piece of poetic art.....
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Date: 5/24/2015 11:29:00 PM
ILENE, Congratulations on having your poem featured this week. SKAT love
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Date: 5/10/2011 4:53:00 PM
Gee, how have I managed to miss your works thus far? You're a very talented poet and you now grace my fave list. I'll be sure to visit your website as soon as my workload abates somewhat. :))
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things