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nothing is ever perfect - but it might be perfectly useable
You know what you want, get it. Make sure it responds to your needs - remote-control it, sub-routine it and on-demand it - wring it out.
But once you have it - something changes, doesn’t it? It loses some luster - it isn’t PERFECT, damn it. It wears out or becomes obsolete and the lust is reborn, refocused.
Do you want me? I think you want me - you seem to want to possess me - but do you actually want ME?
What if my DNA could be used to create a perfect, cloned replica - right down to the pheromones - a perfect doppelganger.
Only this - me-two - would be a commandable pleasure doll shipped, Amazon Prime - and perhaps made with a rich, warm polymer skin that wouldn’t age - wouldn’t that be even better? I think it would be better.
But forget about me - with THAT kind of technology. Think about the licensing fee Rudy Pankow could get, or *gasp* Chase Stokes! - OMG!!! *dancing around the room*
*yelling out* “Mom!!, MomMMMMMM!!, I KNOW what I want for Christmas!!”
Copyright © Anais Vionet | Year Posted 2020
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