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Wandering Ways

Wandering Ways I walked many places and what I only saw was paths not chosen These paths are what to take when there are many things in life For most of the time I walk it just to walk it, to recognize things The path that I have chosen sometimes reckless but caring Wandering ways from what I usually do and I just walk my path Quietly notice that silence is the key to just the peace that is I gather my strength by self and only I can do it or no one else The path might be full of thorns and thick shrubs that bites The feeling of slashing, pulling, tugging, and most of all be held The thicker it gets the harder the path, yet when I am through I feel that I am relieved that that I took the path just because, The aches and pains seldom occur, but most of all I have believed I am one to hold out my hands through each path, this is me I don’t know how I do it my hand just passes through and reaches One by one I help the ones that need the direction that I went So full of heart I seldom think they should do it themselves I grew to know that It was O.K., but only help when paths are thick Thick of moments that are tempting, saddening, and hopelessness Wandering ways can be so much grief, and feeling of no relief This is why one must go through it, and push down the brushes And pull and tug on them to make it clear for others I did not say I just walked through the brush to be held back I did not say that I would stop because it was thick and it hurt I did not say my mental stress was to a point of breaking All I just said was I picked a path full of brushes That pulled and tugged, bit me through and through So that the experience would actually be my teaching tool I did it just to do it, No! I did it so I can show My resistant to all the harshness of life can bring But all of that is a Wandering way of one vivid imagination That pulls others back to reality that the path is not for them But if they like they can take my hand and experience it Much more gentle and more elegant than the harshness That I experienced, because I went through it and I believed My wandering ways is just the way I am and it is a relief In the end

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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