Walk Away
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Walk Away
I woke up this morning I can't bring myself to pray.
I check the clock to see the time. It says time to walk away.
I search my mind for another time like looking through a crack.
I saw the hurts of yesterday and I began to pack.
Pictures of my loved ones now locked safe inside my heart.
Hopes and dreams I can still dream to give them a new start.
I checked the drawer of memories in the box called you and I.
My smile seemed to turn away, back into tears I cry.
I closed it and I shut the drawer looks like that will have to stay.
Some things I can't take with me when it's time to walk away.
I grabbed what little still remained of my pride and self respect.
Damaged from the years it seems of abuse and my neglect.
I dusted off that old trunk filled with things I've learned.
Put it on the curb right next to bridges that I burned.
I'll learn life all over if it's what I'm meant to do.
Surely it can't be as bad as all that I've been through.
With one sliver of a memory when I turn old and gray.
Looking back I'll see that crack and the day I walked away.
Edwin C Hofert
Copyright © Edwin Hofert | Year Posted 2015
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