Waiting for Spring
Looking out the window at winter
thinking why are you so cold
why could it not be like last year
warmer and easy to get around
this year kept a lot housebound
with freezing rain then snow
making roads and sidewalks
a slippery skating rink
the cold sank into every bone
skin froze in a few moments
it was twice as cold as a fridge
so you ran in and out of buildings
hoping the car would not fail
nothing shuts down in this weather
except for highways due to icy conditions
or due to stormy conditions
the snow piled up on roof tops
and on the roads making them narrow
because there is nowhere to put the snow
our only hope is for no more snow
and want the warmth of the sun
as we wait patiently for a early spring melt.
Copyright © Phyllis Babcock | Year Posted 2025
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