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It’s that dream again I’m running, faster, faster He got me with his knife sliced deep down my sternum the blood trickles around my hand as I keep applying pressure. I had to run; I never win hand-to-hand but if I can get through the door I can usually force it shut maybe long enough to lock it He’ll slam his fists on the door struggling to open it I resist but I never find out if I can lock it My alarm always goes off at this moment like a rat trained to run through a maze I move through the motions of morning routines, shower, dressing, a quick breakfast, and as I open the door to leave for work He’s back! I slam the door shut heart drums loud in my ears as he screams through the oak wood, pushing hard to get through I feel it give and the door swings my way and I push back harder sweat trickling down my neck My alarm goes off Wait a minute— I wasn’t awake? Get out of bed completely drenched, pinch myself a couple times has the dream come to an end? it’s never lasted quite so long. I’m late for work. The day feels like a blur a water colored painting with splash effected corners my coworkers crack their jokes as we drink our pick-me-ups they remind me to pack the shipping. Wait— Haven’t we done this before? Just the other day it seems I pack the box and hand it to the FedEx guy It’s him again! Shut the door! It creaks and slams as we go back and forth Blood trickles down my chest did he really cut me this time? If the door could give a little more I might be able to slide the bolt and lock him out once and for all My alarm goes off That was still a dream? Am I awake this time? Missed three calls from work, gotta move fast, be there as fast as I can run to the kitchen as I hop into my pants grab some buttered toast off the plate as I run for the door Wait a minute...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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