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W W F I'M Not Holding My Breath

World wildlife fund ostensibily for fauna.' Yet could it gather money? Thats being shorn Of Folks untowardly? not being fully inforned.? The ads look so W E F like.? One point that strikes.' What if the WEF WHO WWF are holding in spikes? Of real truth.? Crikey..Yikes.! Masking of truth? Could they be in cahoots? Does the cash back brute? Force In sublte means using mamnals torture appeal ? Though it may sound surreal' i think it worth question For the whole worlds digestion ' are they in cahoots? Fund of mass weapons of destruction; to deadly shoots.?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/24/2023 5:59:00 AM
Although Joe i'm feeling out of touch at the moment, i believe, that organized crime, especially those with drug links, are always looking for opportunities to infiltrate, bone fide organisations. Harry
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Joe Maverick
Date: 1/24/2023 7:10:00 AM
I'm sure there are good people In the lower/middle mangement Harry..I'm thinking Now that might have been set up Though by those with sinister Intent 40 years ago maybe.?
Date: 1/22/2023 5:29:00 AM
When the heads of a non-profit fly around in jets instead of using the funds to save elephants from extinction it opens your eyes to their corruption at the top. So sad. SuZ
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 1/23/2023 3:49:00 AM
What does it say about our world when corruption sneaks in to even the most well-intentioned institutions. Very demoralizing. Had to chuckle at disdain-ability. I have written a poem about the elephant poachers. Will look it up for you. Thanks for sticking to your truth. SuZ
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Joe Maverick
Date: 1/22/2023 8:08:00 AM
Its all about sustsinability we've Heard for decades Suz..' for My part i'm full of distain-abilty For these cretin-creeps I'm at A loss to find a low enough Current Descriptive level now that hitler Is gone into the darkness.' Be well thank you for the comment.'
Date: 1/21/2023 12:00:00 AM
They probably do Wendy at the grassroots.! I Was thinking on that as I put this down', but a Strong con needs a seed of initial truth.' Or At least be hard to disprove..Remind you of anything?? I'll say no more on that' what will give them Away is the chain of command.' Its ok to form A plan but a lot of the footsoldiers do not get Early breifing, and updates in order to reinforce the narrative so they fall back on words supplied early on from the the higher ups' from the Other scams, once to many homilys start Crossing each other you get a lead.' And Its all non-profit thats a trust earner I reckon ' The thing is' are war arns funded from their branch?
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Joe Maverick
Date: 1/21/2023 12:04:00 AM
And the wages will be paid Its where the vast bulk of Dough ends up is the point' Also I did not directly say the WWF is corrupt just that I think Its owned by the ' wef ' which is Really telling just in your response Alone.' I just see so much coercion. And I sense so do so many people.'
Date: 1/20/2023 3:17:00 PM
Wow Joe, l hadn't read anything about WWF being corrupt. When l was young a group from WWF used to go out at the beginning or Duck hunting season to dissuade shooters from killing the ducks and to do what we could to rescue injured ducks once the shooters had left. Sad to think the organization my have fallen into the wrong hands. They do a lot of good world wide.
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