Voices of War
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Coal black eyes glinted
Rage surfacing
Seething, furious
He was like a hard stone
Without sympathy
Or empathy
His lack of compassion
Sent me reeling from him
Fire boiled in his touch
Clutching me roughly
Large hands tangled in tresses
Pulling away wisps, curls
Dark as the night
Fright colored me steely gray
Ashen from the dread
Of this man who I loved
Now on the floor
His boots kicking my limbs
My legs and my torso
As I tried to pretend I was no more
Hope struggled up in my throat
Promising he would stop
If only I could fake death
Falsify my demise
Finally, the ultimate shock
His lips puckered up
But this was no kiss for me
This was spittle all over my face
Bearing the resemblance of shame
That claimed my racing heart
At last the degradation was finished
I was mortified in my finish
Leaving me there on the floor
Aware that I had been chastened
For the love I felt
When I first met this man
With his chocolate eyes and dark skin
Inherited from his Apache ancestry
Now I knew that his eyes
Could reveal his dark soul, his cold heart
Yet, he could be so loving
Like a light in the darkness
Where he sometimes appeared from
And I could be so forgiving
Until the realization set in for me
Fear was stronger than my hope
Soon I would be giving up
As the filth and disgrace wore away my caring
Copyright © Regina Mcintosh | Year Posted 2021
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