Who would have thought when it raised it's head
Flu like symptoms leading to scores now deceased
A few, now too many the authorities have said
We're about to find out whom are the real diseased
Borders become invisible as it spreads it's fear
As countries deliberate as to what to do next
This thriving virus in population cohere
Now reaching epidemic seeing it's effects
The media now covers this spread that kills
Morgue slabs ever busy as the weak succumb
Too many are passing losing their living thrill
Families and friends start feeling their numb
Countries now action against these Trojan Horses
Silently going round with their everyday
Infrastructures strain fearing lack of resources
Fearing Covid-19 still continues its say
Flights are abandoned, many stress to reach home
Cities lie silent when normally buzzing with life
Freedom we're so used to ceasing our roam
Leading frustration increasing social mad strife
Supermarkets throng their aisles a bursting
Tempers fuelled by the greed wanting of others
Friends and neighbours showing their lurking
It's not just Covid-19, another virus smothers.
Copyright © James Fraser | Year Posted 2020
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