Violette Poem-Nature's Design
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Violette Poem-Nature’s Design
Some folks like cold weather.
Want the warm air, never.
Could have snow forever.
Wintertime kind.
A snowstorm is outside,
covering countrywide.
Go have a fun sleigh ride.
Oh no, Springtime!
It’s called a Noreaster.
So, don’t get spring fever,
nor outdoor plans either.
Nature’s design
Dressed white are trees displayed,
as winds fuss in tirade
howling in serenade.
How nice and fine!
It’s March and you’re housebound
a feeling most profound
with nothing to confound.
Relax. Recline.
Soon it will be summer.
Heat will be a bummer.
Now the snow’s a stunner.
Oh, so sublime!
Copyright © Janis Medders Tobechi | Year Posted 2018
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