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Villanelle: the Dilemma of the Non-Violent - 57

Villanelle: The Dilemma of the Non-Violent – 57 The use of force to protect the weak the hungry A Zapata whose righteous anger boils bounds To set right an injustice the peasant to free Is that violence that must be put under key Whose anger Madero’s peaceable laws confounds The use of force to protect the weak the hungry Had not Steinbeck’s Wrath in the Land of Plenty Set free Mao and Castro’s masses from their hounds To set right an injustice the peasant to free Who came to Kazan’s rescue Mice and Men stand free Hang honour Hang power Hang the world out of bounds The use of force to protect the weak the hungry In Steinbeck’s words Can a man whose thoughts born angry Bring peace to a world where laws of peace obey hounds To set right an injustice the peasant to free Who kills not to feed whose young who cry when hungry Yet Krishna urged Arjuna take battle field grounds The use of force to protect the weak the hungry To set right an injustice the peasant to free © T. Wignesan – Paris, 2015

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 12/27/2015 5:43:00 AM
Perfect 7
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T Wignesan
Date: 12/27/2015 7:28:00 AM
You make me cringe with embarrassment, SKAT A. You're going overboard there - walking the plank, I'm afraid. There's no such thing - except the-thing-in-itself (Das Ding an sich) - which is perfect. No matter, for you vibrate with Steinbeck-Kazan-Zapata-Brando for the poor powerless peasant. Every good wish. Wignesan

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