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Vast Night

vast night reason disappears into its cushioned haven the color fades like this in every october even if the rainbows say no it would be easy to gather the detritus of these days pack the weakness throw everything into the infinite space between the numbers but after all who forgot the key to wisdom and who are these who laugh grotesquely wearing ominous ignorance? only eyes under construction survive and if the encyclopedia of life hides shy it's up to them to turn over the discolored rubble

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/26/2022 5:51:00 PM
I really like this poem, Marco, especially the middle part which is a strong admission that even if we could gather it (the detritus) all together, if we have not the key to wisdom what have we? Also liked the idea that it is those who [wear] ominous ignorance "who laugh grotesquely" Sort of like the mad circus clowns. Hmmm...what and where is this key to wisdom, Marco?
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Marco Chies
Date: 11/2/2022 7:26:00 PM
my grandfather taught me that wisdom had a mother. and the mother of wisdom would be respect. I was a teenager and didn't understand these words. today I am close to understanding them perfectly... if everyone respected everyone else, the world would be harmony and harmony is wisdom in itself.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry