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Vapid Finger Gazing

Imagine for one moment, one misty mystic moment, how best to use those golden float seconds, moments, hours, we as mortal creatures abnormally fritter into some quaint spurious void known as passage. Time's colossal collateral bequeathed unbeknownst to each and everyone of us earthlings that slips through a porous filter into endless futile vapour trails, absent-minded ventures, and vapid finger gazing. However, sweeping statements aren’t and never will be that sermonising torch I brandish in broad daylight. Such a pointless pose, a consummate dismissal leads to skewed off-course compass points. An aimless drift on anybody’s part beyond the versicolour dawn, nascent noonday nugget, rich resplendence of a sapphire twilight should not be met with brusque distain. A subtle pointer deftly spun seems more than ample whenever hidebound aspect lurks. Day and night should be immersive in their ambience, without interlude or vacuous intrusion. A galaxy of Three D screen epics await tellurians divorced from deep fulfilment. They, as spellbound junket, are poised around each bend for instant capture, to seize and duly savour. Why not revel in each in the moment wonderland, that dazzling enchantment, ushered by each stroke of the resonant clock?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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