Vanished Smile
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That's a sin for God and all creation.
A stone-like heart best describes you.
Blood sei, Nubia tears, and a brief elision
Extremely wide and bone-white in hue.
The grin you used to wear long ago
Has vanished into a sea of bitter tears.
The whale you sought in the bay sank low.
bears wisdom and bravery without fear.
Your whole crew is incredibly brave.
With some wild spears in a back-alley saloon,
The mania grew into a full-fledged tidal wave.
They dragged the ship and are now maroons.
Don't travel faraway on one prosthetic foot.
Turn around the vessel; we still hope yet.
A despair pall lingered over the deck soot.
For prancing sake, we've never met.
If you hinder ignoring us, we will all die shortly.
Doom's mind and soul are free of sea spirit.
I hope that you'll be standing by to greet me.
Power derived from the same source to inherit.
Written: June 3rd 2023
Copyright © Sotto Poet | Year Posted 2023
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