Valley of Peaceful Ideals
Looking up I see the craggy hills glowing in the sun
way above this green lush valley….smiling I
walk under a mantle of tall trees, skipping
along a path of dense leaves and flowers
The air is filled with the music of nature
the buzzing of the bees as they go about their toil.
Clicking noises of the crickets and other insects
breaking the peace but enhances the atmosphere
Brushing against the lavender shrubs, as I walk
filling the air with a scintillating perfume.
Running my fingers through the flowers
raising them to my nose, so pungent, nature at its best.
This valley was once between two coal stacks
Until the day the pits were closed.
Nature has returned it to its former glory
A place of beauty and peaceful ideals
Penned 29 September 2017
Copyright © Seren Roberts | Year Posted 2017
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