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Valentines Box

Once again I’ve let myself become like a little girl in school Passing out valentines Giving “my heart” to everyone around me Only to come back to my seat And find my valentines box empty Shaking it to hear if a flutter of “a heart” rests inside But the box is hollow Is it so bad to want someone Someone to want me as much as I want them To want someone to feel for me what I feel for them I long for this,I yearn for this For once I’d like to go back to my desk And find at least one heart That someone chose to give to me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 12/2/2011 10:21:00 AM
A Rambling Righting Riley, smile a great Aliteration in your handle, my friend. I never did come up empty handed on these occasions dear, but sometimes failed to get one from those I wanted hearts from... Congratulations on your worthy 2nt place. Agape, Moses
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Date: 12/1/2011 8:11:00 AM
I hope that by now, you have found your heart. Sad but well written poem Shauna
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Date: 12/1/2011 6:41:00 AM
Congratulations on your placement in my contest Shauna. You all left a piece of yourselves on this contest page. It was so very hard to judge. I am asking you all to read and comment on all the winners here. You will go away seeing into the hearts of all the winners. This was a very emotional contest for me. Thank you all for supporting this contest. Love and blessing to you all, Carol
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Date: 6/14/2011 6:41:00 AM
It was a pleasure to read your poetry this morning A. Please keep sharing your writing with us. I wish you much inspiration that you may continue with your writing endeavors whatever they may be. Love, Carol
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Date: 6/13/2011 7:39:00 PM
Love always comes when you COMPLETELY stop looking. When you are looking for someone, most times you are looking for someone to fit a certain mold, or be some particular way. When you give up the search, you tend to spend more time on honing your own skills, and becoming the type of person you are searching for in a mate. Irony speaks when this happens, because this is usually the exact moment when you become the one who is adored by the ones you would have been searching for. Ya get it?
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Righting Riley - Shauna Riley Avatar
A Rambling Righting Riley - Shauna Riley
Date: 6/15/2011 11:40:00 AM
I completely get you!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry