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Urge of My Soul

URGE OF MY SOUL: I always feel some urge inside of myself, Although I can't describe exactly how it's shelved. It's supernatural and so great, And it pushes me to walk with strong faith. So I trust in the existence of this Sovereign God, Who birth the universe with an accord. Yet, my own eyes have never seen Him before, Nothing stops me from getting God adored, As my soul keeps singing these words to the creator as an applaud, "The name Jehovah is so divine, His Supremacy is totally everlasting. All His creations prove He is really kind, And He gives rest to they that are heavy laden. In fact, He is the sage's utmost desire, And in His goodness, I'm gracefully hidden. So why should I idolise mere humans, Whose ambitions are carnally planned, Or why should I worship a graven image, That would profit me nothing but gabbage? It's only the fool who doubt Jehovah's existence, But believe in unnecessary stuff beingness..."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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