Upside Down Girl Cartoon
As an upside down girl, I refuse to leave my limb.
She said this to he, me, they, we, she and him.
I was astounded, as I had never seen her before.
She blinked into my head like a chin springs a bad sore.
I want a colorful shirt, she said, dictating to me.
Irritated, I continued to slurp down my lemon tea,
My brown hair has to be long, so you can see it blowing.
This cartoon girl was practically ordering and crowing!
I picked up a pencil and drew her up fast.
Her orders never stopped, she was an Arctic blast.
She feels kind of cold, my critic said in a persnickety way.
This was not the best start to my weird little day.
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2023
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