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Unusual Words

Dictionary describes the word “dactylion” As the tip of your middle finger So if someone gives you the dactylion They're giving you a zinger! Have you ever been subjected to “gargalesis” It's described as heavy tickling Love being gargalesis in certain areas Might even involve some licking Do you know a word that accurately describes Incessant or idiotic laughter The dictionary describes it as “abderian” Shaking the room to the rafters When someone's eyes start to “oculoplania” They're assessing someone's charms I've always called it just plain old ogling Not meant to cause any harm The dictionary describes “slubberdegullion” As a filthy slobbering individual Known a few of these guys in my time They leave a quite nasty residual A person who hates smelling tobacco smoke Is called a “misocapnist” That's me for sure I'm surely a misocapnist Probably number one on the list And now to end with something distasteful It's the word “krukolibidinous” It's the act of staring at someone's crotch What say you, had enough? © Jack Ellison 2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 5/6/2013 3:30:00 PM
Very clever, funny and informative Jack! I am a misocapnist for sure! You are a truly entertaining chap! Hugs
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Jack Ellison
Date: 5/6/2013 3:40:00 PM
"misocapnist"? Wow... had to look that one up! LOL "A person who hates smoking or the smell of tobacco smoke" Thank you dear Cecilia xoxox
Date: 4/29/2013 12:03:00 AM
Hey Jack... I was reading Russell's comment and I just remembered something equally strange. There is a word for the skin on your elbow, no joke! It's called "wenis" - yeah... might be awkward finding a rhyme for THAT word ;)
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/29/2013 7:05:00 AM
The english language can really be weird! Here's another one: QIVIUT This is a short-haired wool that is obtained from the undercoat of a musk ox! You will be able to rest peacefully tonight!
Date: 4/28/2013 9:46:00 PM
Cute but the crotch staring a lil TMI haha...keep us smiling'
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/29/2013 6:52:00 AM
Oops sorry my dear Donna! LOL I apologize profusely... love ya! Hugs xoxoxox
Date: 4/28/2013 1:25:00 PM
Of all the words in this list I believe the most strange would be the dactylion, I don't know why they would have a word for the tip of the middle finger...why is that my friend, where is its origin? This is a fun and entertaining poem Jack, thank you for sharing this enlightening piece! Great Work!!
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/28/2013 4:54:00 PM
"why do they have a word for the tip of the middle finger" don't know but it's true! LOL
Date: 4/28/2013 9:54:00 AM
Clever satirical and very funny, this is the second of your poems I have read today and I look forward to reading all your works. Another well constructed and craftd poem, thanks for sharing. A wryest poem perhaps.
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/28/2013 1:17:00 PM
Thank you my new friend! I'd be honoured! Cheers!
Date: 4/28/2013 9:38:00 AM
Definitely your strangest list so far - no one can say you haven't been doing your researches! As far as the tobacco smoke goes, I fluctuate between liking and disliking it... I always force myself to always lean towards disgust (that way I don't EVER start the habit). A person who stares at one's crotch... they really have a word for that? The English language... at times it leaves me speechless.
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/28/2013 1:15:00 PM
I personally don't stare at crotch... well once in a while! Females only though, I wanna make that perfectly clear! LOL
Date: 4/28/2013 7:41:00 AM
My Dagon some times makes my Hubby's eye tick, and sometimes a few of my neighbors eyes, and the Mayors' eyes... and once the Supreme Leader of the Universe got an eye tick when the Dragon sat on his Harley, and loosed the Dogs of War... Accidently, of course... They're all just jealous THEY don't have a dragon! And kinda sensitive and high strung... Wonder where they get that from... LOL
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Jack Ellison
Date: 4/28/2013 7:48:00 AM
Your mind works in mysterious ways, my dear Carol! I can honestly say I've never met anyone quite like you and I mean that in the nicest way! LOL xoxoxox

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