Untold Stories
Reminiscing past helps to remember;
thinking past events helps to remember
how simple acts brought people together;
Those past acts helped them at their crisis hours.
Timely past actions helped at crisis hours.
Heard their woes, truly tried to dry their tears.
Listening intently equips to know,
Listening attentively helps to know
issues from their perspectives somehow.
Empathizing in a sensitive way,
And yet being aware of woes wise way
will solve their misery, won't fill with dismay.
They wish someone should hear untold stories
justly before uprooting their worries.
Blues Sonnet
The defining features of the Blues Sonnet are:
• A quatorzain made up of 4 triplets and a heroic couplet.
• Oddly metric, in iambic pentameter.
This is in contrast to the usual blue stanza which is
accentual, with a more folksy rhythm.
• Rhymed, rhyme scheme AAa BBb CCc DDd ee.
• It is composed of 4 Blues Stanzas, L1 statement,
L2 incremental repetition of L1, and L3 is a climactic
parallel of the first 2 lines.
• Pivot or volta should be in the last triplet and
ends in a declamatory couplet.
Reference:: https://poetscollective.org/everysonnet/blues-sonnet/
Thanks to Mr Lawrence Eberhart for the resource at Poets COLLECTIVE Site.
Copyright © Pratap Roy | Year Posted 2021
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