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Until Next Time

Poet's Notes

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I've seen these stars before Of course I have But I know where I was They do too Or something within this space does I hope I'll be in a better headspace next time The answer to that feels like a 'no' Thanks brain - you do know you could humour me?? Who knows It's with regret that I see beautiful things yet miss them This very second I'm looking up and it's stunning, there's a breeze, yet I'm warm in my coat, lay in silence seeing billions of stars There's a bit of a sound in the distance that might be a duck or someone quietly being decapitated but they are getting the job done quickly so as not to disturb star gazers for long I am a bit close to an ungated country lane come to think of it The duck is now a pig... Hang on, I'm distracted here Can I hear squelching footsteps approaching I think a duck has hiccups, I bet it's distracted that serial killer long enough for me to star gaze a bit more... The clouds have disappeared to view the duck too I have a patch of cloudless sky Too ridiculously beautiful To be unappreciated by me Perhaps I do appreciate it I'm seeing giant footprints Like snow dusted boot prints in the sky Crunching gravel... No, but I'm finishing this on the other side of a locked door I took photos, stars were there Not as many as I could see But I couldn't feel them I'm switched off Here but not, just like the stars

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/26/2023 4:14:00 PM
Funny (in a weird thoughtful way) the connection that's disconnected is like Hitchcock--mystery wrapped in enigma as Churchill might opine--yet you do really connect them but unplug - like tripping over the cord - be the stars - always - you have a gifted pen!
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 8/26/2023 4:45:00 PM
Ahh I'm just a weirdo chancing my arm at poetry and semi getting away with it - I have half a toe in jazz (only trad, when played live in New Orleans)...

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry