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Unscaled Captivity

Deep in the unfettered land of Rainbow Forest…sit of child of Never Known. A toddler boy, appeared in the realm to see what he saw with an origin unknown. A wail, a whimper, a cry to the untouched flowers and trees. No other child is around…no movement he sees. The wind is mild and the temperature balmy. Sounds of distant waterfall splashing wistfully, with mist and calming. Accompanied by no parents or elders of being. A baby knows not this place and is location free. Oh, above the trees, breathed a dragon as it flew. With a wingspan as long as slow days and the glossiness of morning dew. Searching for a meal, it dips and circles. Curious to find something strange, in a forest deep near purple. An abandoned human child, with no tethers of defense. An odd sight indeed, through the foliage so dense. “I’ll swoop down to investigate”, thought the dragon, motions fluid. “Be this a trick, by a hunter or a druid?” Talons touch the ground below, with the wyrm’s expression so fierce and cold. With a sprinkle of hesitation, the dragon observes from a distance. This child in the bushes, no others, “What is this?” The size and proportion, this is no meal to such a beast. But it hasn’t eaten for days…and would this be a worthy feast? The dragon sped forth, to clamp it’s teeth on the child. With salivating jaws, and a ferocity so wild. It reaches it’s target and bites down with force. With no barriers in the way, it was his free and open course. As the dragon chewed, it knew something was off. This was no human it was consuming, and it started to wheeze and cough. It bellowed in annoyance as it’s mouth bled and cracked. It spit out a stone and cursed it front to back. It heard uncontrollable laughter and shouts of other dragons a distance away, as this dragon shouted ancient obscenities and said, “You all better pray.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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