Unquotable Quotes: Xlvii - Tongue-Twisting Epigrams
If you want to « have » your cake and « eat » it at one and the same time, simple enough, just split it into two equal parts like an isosceles triangle into two right-angle triangles; then « eat » (take a bite) at one half first, then « have » (another bite) at the other half of the cake and so on and so forth until there’s nothing left.
Correct me if I’m wrong, since the true value of PI - the circumference of a circle divided by its radius - can never be properly ascertained/calculated (damn the Roman soldiers for murdering Archimedes at Syracuse just when he was about to make the discovery), how is it possible that NASA landed its spacecraft on the moon in 1969 and brought the astronauts back to Earth? A mere decimal point(s) difference in the trillions so far made available by high-powered computers could, I presume, land the spacecraft in Andromeda. Well, I’m exaggerating, of course ! But, Aurélien Barrau, the French astrophysicist and philosopher poet, affirms that NO scientific theory is « exact" (barring Einstein's Relativity theories for the moment) for they can never be proven to be « exact » since they require an infinite number of experimental proof not just on Earth, but in the far-flung corners of the expanding Universe to be held true and verifiable forever… And Barrau is an honorable man !
If you look into a mirror and see your left as your left, right as your right, top under bottom, and back to front, it simply means, My Friends, you’re DEAD as doornails !
Women who ride horses astride should marry horses. No ordinary man can please them in their bumping élan stride.
True, one « swallow » doesn’t make for a « summer" of joy, but it could help you put the « pill » down before it gets stuck in the gullet and keeps you from raising yet another unwanted « feller ».
Aim high in life and the harder you’d fall ! - the story of politicians, tyrants and emperors, to cut the story short…
We’re all « losers » at one time or another, but the one who survives it all is the ONE who knows how to shove the blame onto others.
Do those who suck up to the "Perons" sell well their records to Gauchos in the Savanas (casting no aspersions on their innate talents, nor on the excellence of the lyrics and melodiy) being in « sixes and sevens » with them !
Blow your own trumpet and you’ll end up out-of-breath. « Blow » some one else’s, and you’d likely end up choked to death !
Why do tyrants, self-appointed emperors and other martial-minded « mentors » always want to get their butt’s kicked by marching their men up to Moscow ???
A « cad » by any other name is still a CAD who must prey on some defenseless orphan. The latter from then on wishes/prays to have his name changed to hide his shame.
If you take a « leak » in a puddle, it’ll still look like a puddle, though much of a muddle owing to the mud in its gravel.
STOP looking for the "needle in the haystack" and reduce it to a hackneyed phrase of a metaphor by using instead a laser-detector.
If you « lie in the bed you make », does it really matter who crowds you out for love’s sake ???
Presidents and/or Prime Ministers
Run their countries through speeches
Written by obscure ghost-writers
Who themselves plagiarise poetasters
Who siphon punchlines from philosophers
And poets shunned by publishers
To reign as « Intellectual » preachers
« A banana a day keeps the West Indian away (from England) », said the Trinidadian Nobel Literature laureate V.S. Naipaul in the fifties, but who would keep Brexit Britain from dancing to the tune of the Steel Bands when the British West Indian cricket batsmen knock the hell out of the West Indian fast bowlers when they charge down the Pavilion end on to the pitch at Lords??? Perhaps the East Indian British???
(One famed woman paramour claims they don’t have the « staying power » required to keep her going even for a year !)
(c) T. Wignesan - Paris, June 27, 2019
Copyright © T Wignesan | Year Posted 2019
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