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Unquotable Quotes: Xlvi - Tongue-Twisting Epigrams

UNQUOTABLE QUOTES: XLVI - Tongue-Twisting Epigrams An aborted foetus never stops growing in the mind of the aborted mother. She never tires of making more babies to nurture the memory of the aborted baby. The Heart and Soul are as close as the Foot and Sole: they are up to no good; they smell just as bad. Don’t curry favour with a woman who likes it hot. Waste not, want not: you can neither not want water nor waste it and re-use it, immediately. It’s an ill-wind that brings no-one any fragrant smells or scents. A tight-fisted man often dies intestate. Eat what you can and what you can’t - slaughter them first before you can them. Think of the « Devil » and you bet he’ll turn up for sure ! If only the « Debtor » would do likewise ! « Running Dogs » is the nickname of dogs whose muzzles never stop running while they are in the act of running. If you pay for sex, it would be wise not to « eat it » as well, though most of the « sex » offered for free is worse than the « bite" of the African Killer Bee. A square peg in a round hole makes the hole hissing hot, heaving and heavenly. Laws are made to be broken, so are hearts. Take a break and break the Laws first. Mind your own business and the Stock Market will go bust. A Tycoon in a Typhoon Fell into a swiveling swoon So he took a big spoon Shoveled enough of his boon And gave it all to a goon Who dumped it in a spittoon Typhoon blew him to the Moon. Uni-Verse is a one-line poem. Multi-Verse: infinite one-line poems. Free-Verse: maddening, chaotic non-sensical non-poems. If you pour oil on troubled waters, the Mid-East will go up in smoke and the rest of the World will live in relative peace throughout the millennium, but the Republican Party will then be tussling attempting to extirpate the Democratic spike in its hind quarters with nuclear pliers. Since, according to the astro-physicist philosopher-poet Aurélien Barrau, both Time and Space are like ourselves mere "objects in evolution" in the Cosmos - in other words, mere « contents » not the « containers » - how is it possible that we have all a fixed and readable past somewhere on Earth??? A loose tongue is a lost tongue. It usually hangs out long at the mouths of joints frequented by late night revelers. An Englishman’s house is his castle, but he won’t mind if you let him stay for centuries to run your country. In the Land of the Rising Sun, everybody rises with the sun and keeps it for himself for fun. The Sun never sets on those who rise with the sun. A Red Indian is a Denisovian *****Erectus from Africa before he became a Chinese, crossed by the Neanderthal Heidelbergensis. Indians are not humans, but "Superior Caste Hindus". Since we are all genetically hybrids, what’s the good in harping on the "Nation» as a community or breed??? Or on the United Nations of America??? The way male trainers and managers handle and hug their wards in the Women’s World Cup, it is plain they would have a hard time making it into the Oval Office, unless they also take to « twittering » with gusto on a daily basis. (c) T. Wignesan - Paris, June 25, 2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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