Unquotable Quotes - Xvii
Unquotable quotes – XVII
The more the spread of the Multi-Verse(s), the less the possibility of purpose in our lives on earth.
In a world chock-full of people where almost everybody wants to be heard, be seen and be remembered, only fools listen to fools and the vain watch the vain and the duped remember the duped..
Only evil-doers think and act as though they can get away with it all for good.
Life humiliates ALL, so what’s the difference if one rises or falls.
Every born being is a ridiculous thing, and most of all the king.
Thinking one can remedy it all – get the better of one’s detractors – before one’s end is the height of gall.
No individual can in all certainty be indispensable to – even – one’s own galaxy – to keep it believable : Is our world of any moment to all the other possible worlds ?
What remains unseen/unseeable is always a mystery to everybody but a few who appear to be inhabited by some alien spirit.
Why do evil-doers always find it always easy to triumph over do-gooders ? The contrary is the case the other way round.
Nothing can change what lies out there – not even with all the goodwill in the world : no man, no god, no will, no sacrifice, no suffering, no prayer, no brilliance, no nothing.
Odd that the most obssesive form of pleasure is still rooted around the portals of birth and excretion.
© T. Wignesan – Paris, 2016
Copyright © T Wignesan | Year Posted 2016
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