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Unpaid Residence

Within the chamber, within the time allotted The guest had overstayed his welcome Far beyond the clock which saw no cause permitting it Now occupied is Mr. Smith upon the bed Being dead is no excuse for self indulgences Excesses best left unsaid, and yes, unpaid The room held itself together with some boards Certainly some nails came into play Creaking noises added to the joy of Hotel Jones But there are limits to an occupancy delinquency Four walls hold more than secrets for the halls Which echo through the key hole’s empty hollow Ceilings and floors don’t morn or pay the bills Could say no more before the morning call Could say nothing for Mr. Smith right now or then When he died the night before and to that end Two windows look into the future not quite there Reveal the other side of life outside felt by the living Where stairs that lead out there are tread no more Would laws allow some grace for the departed Check out time is 1:00 o’clock according to the clock Where is the payment for the extra hours spent From no one within the chamber that’s for sure And nowhere to be found behind the door As Mr. Smith for sure was very poor

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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