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"Bring forth the witch! Bind her to the stake! It has been my wish, to trample evil for God's sake." Teztelian verbalism, another veiled devil's play, Actors in cassocks, in God's name harvesting away. Tolkienan wits, I rewrite worlds and kill cheats. Hunt trolls and tame wraiths in the creeks. Sauron for an ally. Nay! He be one of the bugs. Homeric pen, sword of Aeneas, my fleet breaks the rocks. Dragon killer, Smaug's arch-nightmare, Bounty hunter, I slay beasts so rare And use their skins to keep fleas away Who, little flying vampires, seek blood everyday. Men spreading their disease, selling their souls, cutting down trees. I wander into Shadowlands and happen upon fleece. Fall to my knees, and soon realise something amiss. Nay! I shouldn't worship those if am in need of peace. The world has turned me into a beast, one insane. I walk the wilderness on all four, laden with pain, Nebuchadnezzar for company, gazing in disdain For I smell of gloom and sliding down the drain. The devil keeps me company, I kiss his feet, Swear my allegiance, oblivious of more deceit. Soul mortgaged, he be keeping the receipt So that I slave away and every day repeat. October 7th, 2020.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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