Unity On the Rocks
The music is heard as I sit upon the rocks
Sounds of gulls, crashing waves, whirling winds
Oneness in itself, solidarity
separated from life’s tolls
freedom of imagination
fulfillment of unification
solitude with the stillness at dusk
A soft poem unspoken while taking a rest
granted to the sea, give it my best
thanking the Lord what was given to me
will come back to this peaceful reality.
A passing ferry on its way to the mainland
Probably left port Segal sometime this morning
In touch with my inner self, undisturbed
Contemplating and absorbing
Not meditating, for that dissolves the true purpose
of this moment in time.
To be close with the wholeness
Attuned with spirituality
Cultivate the gatherings
From this unity on the rocks.
Copyright © Douglas Pederson | Year Posted 2019
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