Unity Against Tyranny
A country in turmoil
An imposter sits on the throne
From the moment he takes office
Stripping our rights away like a banana
Leaving us slipping on the peels
Trying to figure out what the Hell to do.
Workers vanish from the crop fields,
who will harvest the produce?
Pulled from WHO and essential health research,
how will we know of the next pandemic,
let alone saving lives from cancer?
What about the funds that help schools and veterans?
How will people pay for education, let alone their groceries?
What about the safety of LGBTQ and diversity with no protection
in the workplaces that don't tolerate discrimination or to get a job because of your nationality?
How will anyone get by if he keeps making monstrous demands?
How will anyone survive the onslaught that's to come?
How will anyone tell what's true or false when you can't believe the media?
How will anyone face tomorrow if there is no tomorrow because of him?
How will the country's future pull through with him behind the wheel?
Enough is enough!
Are we going to watch Hell unfold before our eyes
As the days pass by while the grass starts to wither?
Our country will shrivel up like jerky in an air fryer
If we don't take action against this dictator.
He is a threat to our existence
A killer of dreams
A demon lord of nightmares
Who spreads chaos and despair.
Don't let this Dick intimidate you
He may masquerade as a president,
but he isn't OUR leader.
He's a traitor to the United States of America.
He may have power and money, but he lacks a soul
He's a demon donning tan flesh topped with a moppy wig
He, along with his Council of Doom, should fear us
For it is the people who hold true power.
So open your eyes!
Chaos is unfolding before you!
Those who betrayed your fellow Americans,
see the damage you've wrecked
voting this dick-tator into office!
Only by coming together as a nation, as a country
Standing united as one against this threat
For you can't spell united in United States without 'U'
We are the United States of America
And its time we show how united we truly are!
Raise your swords
Raise your pens
Raise your hands
Raise your voices!
Now is the time to take action!
Now is the time for a revolution
Now is the time to stand up!
Now is the time to fight!
Fight for your freedom
Fight for your rights
Fight for your children
Fight for your future
Fight for your lives!
Copyright © Megan Ryan | Year Posted 2025
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