Unhinged Power
We know of course that our form is but dust,
that comes alive because of God’s breath thrust,
yet we adopt thoughts, words and deeds unjust.
Soul contract has this clause - put dark thought forms on pause,
gentle touch, till heart thaws - erase ego spawned flaws.
To unleash God’s power dormant within,
we may begin by gentling thought flow din,
wisely choosing to sidestep paths of sin.
To feel blissful and whole - reclaim light ego stole,
fulfilling our life role - soul search our only goal.
In the threefold flame of Christ we must trust,
gifted to us if we obey God’s laws,
felt within the body when chakras spin,
as affirmed in scriptures, which we extol.
Copyright © Unseeking Seeker | Year Posted 2023
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