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Unexpected Changes

unexpected changes winds belied August gusted from October cold geese are flocking now.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 10/15/2017 3:56:00 AM
I have never been tempted to write a Haiku...although I can understand thee appeal in doing so. This might sound silly to mention but I truly believe that a persons geographical location might well have a direct bearing on this; the Haiku, being of Japanese orientation, stems from a nation that lives in a heavily forested and mountainous country...this would lend to ones self feelings of isolation and an intimate connection with nature - perfect for the spreading Canadian wilderness! :) john
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Patricia Cresswell
Date: 10/15/2017 8:16:00 AM
I too believe that where we are born has an impact on our psyche. Haiku were originally based in nature. Try some just for fun there is a lot, where you are, that would. For example the visage of history: grey aged crumbling stone/ housed holy monks in rising song/ now only birds sing
Date: 8/24/2017 12:30:00 PM
So much in so little.I love these few concise incisive words.
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Patricia Cresswell
Date: 8/24/2017 12:49:00 PM
Thank you Peter. I find that each seasons wind has its own voice.

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