Undoubtful Doubt
Could it be
That we will never be?
It cannot be
That we played with fire
Without playing the lyre
Could it be
That you are a liar?
Ready to jump into the pyre
My heart does bleed
And plead
For Mercy
I am Capricious
Even Luscious
In your bed
Always coloured red
You abutted
Never Pretentious
I am Anxious
Could it be
That you do not agree?
With my Faith
What would become of me
Should you let me be?
Without my Side
You will truly Hide
Your eternal Pain
In Vain.
Written in 2011
This is my first poem on PS. I started with this one. I love it as it made of me a poet, appreciated by a poetry community. Though now, I have learnt to love myself as well as the skies. Love can be about understanding and patience rather than despair.
Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2011
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