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Uncommon Sense

Our physical world that we travel upon, Showers our senses with volumes to understand. Yet there's a wide range of comprehension, That often tests realities hand. For example, our tactile sense, that we Fumble and grope with, through skin, thick & thin. Just as we may touch a flame that burns, Or find the comfort of a warm wind. We often listen to the sounds of nature, Providing a calm and peaceful respite. Whereas others, may hear only danger, That they would avoid and indict. Since much of our perception would be visual, This sight creates the biggest discrepancy. While often flooding the mind with images, Causing confusion, and even an emergency! Now when a scent or odor becomes apparent, The olfactory moves to a powerful offense. As some seem to have a nose for trouble, Others, can smell the roses with no expense. Here, a common end may be seen as taste, From the food and drink we all consume. Where the tongue is specially suited, to Allow for the salty, bitter, & sweet to loom. So with all this magnificent variation, Its no wonder that our perceptions are askew. Fortunately, the majorities usually find some Agreement, and what's perceived has a common clue.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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