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Unbridgeable Chasm

A small hair-thin gap; this got widened like the Oman Gulf; Life, as though within the mouth of a ghost, did get engulf; No look; no smile; no speech; deadly movements performed like plays, Physique and psyche moved like monsters, in deserted ways...! Did we have unfeasible assumptions and surmises? Like water and vessels, do our hearts change shapes and sizes? When you happened to fall, I failed to hold you, I know well, Have you, at my rises and falls, ever at my side, dwell...? You counted your money; I, mine; we never counted ours, Spending each one in our way we established our powers; Our promises failed us; from fidelity, we were far, Each bore in our hearts the failure of our former love's scar...! The bedroom was our furnace; we yearned to be out of it, From formalities and show-offs, yet, why could we not quit? Intimacy meant just impulsive expressions of beasts, While our bodies met, our inner minds had their other feasts...! We're, thus, dear, in physique and psyche unbridgeable chasm, Unbridgeable? Nay. Bridgeable with some enthusiasm; All that we need is the willingness to live together, Bearing a bit of the hardship of each changing weather...!!! 19 June 2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/1/2023 8:28:00 PM
Fantastic write, Christuraj:-) I really like it. Did you forget to submit this for my contest? I don't recall judging it. Well done!
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