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Unbelievably Great Contest Entry For Brenda Chiri's Photo Contest

Poet's Notes

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After you read this epic, I'm sure you'll realize that all of you are competing for second place.  But please don't be discouraged. I've spent countless, $%^%$#&*(*^%&$ hours on this poem, working out all the kinks. You don't want to put in that kind of time for this contest, do you?!  

WARNING: THE CONTENTS OF THS POEM MAY BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WELL-BEING (Photo of the Two Lovers is available on contest site), As any physical therapist worth his salt will tell you These two wannabee lovers are inviting big, big trouble!* Photo-analysis Look at the neck of the figure on the left bent almost horizontal to reach the eager lips of the poor figure on the right, whose hyperbolic swayed back is just a lower lordosis ache away** While the taller of the two is asking for severe C3 - C-5 vertebral displacement, at minimum 'Shorty,' up on those tippy-toes, will no doubt tear both her quadriceps and hamstring muscles ~ screaming in agony before the kiss is halfway through *********************** So, OK. I confess. This is not an actual photo-analysis But I am really pissed. (Tsk, tsk. Vulgarity; I know) Why can't I ever get a long, wet, lascivious mouth-watering, juicy kiss like this? I ask you! Well, I've never had lordosis or kyphosis My diagnosis is -- you guessed it -- halitosis January 05, 2019 Picture Prompt Poetry Contest Sponsor: Brenda Chiri 1st Prize - Halitosis Radiation Bombardment Surgery Presiding Surgeon: Bobby 'Come What' May Surgical Nurse: Caren 'Cut-and-Pray' Krutsinger ____________________________________________________________ *Note the clever repetition, ala America's poet laureate, Trump, of 'big, big,' one of the his (and my) awesome, innovative stylistic devices. **Note the eerie similarity to Mick Jagger's line, 'It's just a shout away,' from one of his-stoned out 60's albums. Gives you goosebumps, eh?! Ha, ha: It gave my parents an Excedrin headache...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 1/27/2020 6:57:00 PM
Lol Gershon I Sam about to post winners to my contest and I wanted to say this one is above 1st place you won the gold with it! So congrats my friend so wish you would have entered it! ;)
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/27/2020 8:49:00 PM
Guess I should just lay back, relax, and let 'er rip a lot more often! You certainly seem to enjoy this 'work of art,' which I very much considered a 'throw-away.'... Oh, well. C'est la vie. Smiles, Gershon
Date: 1/7/2020 12:09:00 AM
Wow - you are right on so many levels - how can you not take first prize with this brilliant entry!! Top notch wit and humor ! Bravo, Gershon.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/7/2020 9:05:00 AM
Well, for sure this won't take 1st prize, as it was a spoof, not meant for the contest. Brenda's already read it and had fun with it. At any rate, thank your very much for the endorsement, Line! :) gw
Date: 1/6/2020 3:09:00 PM
A hilarious entry! I love Carolyn’s comments too!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/6/2020 3:16:00 PM
Thanks for letting me know that you liked this one, Km. Cheers, Gershon
Date: 1/6/2020 2:06:00 PM
Hilarious, Gershon! Hope you win the top prize. LOL I noticed Trump does repeat a lot of simple words. How can an attack be VERY major? When is a phone call PERFECT? And just one look at Mick Jagger today is enough to make anyone want to live a sober life. Great entry, my friend. Winning wishes for you. Hugs, Carolyn
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Date: 1/6/2020 6:00:00 AM
LOL GW you are too funny my brother!!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/6/2020 12:58:00 PM
Hey, Doctor, appreciate you being a good sport about this one. btw, what are your office hours? My halitosis is just killing my family. So far, 3 dead; 7 passed out. LOL. Thanks, gw
Date: 1/6/2020 1:33:00 AM
Haha brilliant Gershon, this would have been unbeatable for sure. Tom
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/6/2020 12:56:00 PM
Thanks Tom... So now, the 'beat goes on!' ~ Gershon
Date: 1/5/2020 10:54:00 PM
lol..Good i read the warning first.. Otherwise I would go Quite an analysis..
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/6/2020 12:55:00 PM
Whoa. You sure don't want to go 'mental.' Then you'd be in the same boat I am, rowing upstream without a paddle! LOL. Thanks, Jenish. :) gw
Date: 1/5/2020 8:52:00 PM
Thank you so much for giving me the dubious honor of being the nurse. I am pretty sure you just ran off with first prize.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/5/2020 9:08:00 PM
Tried to page you, but you didn't respond. It was an emergency, after all. Had to do something to prevent Dr. May from fainting! He just can't take the sight of blood, you know... Smiles, Gershon
Date: 1/5/2020 8:51:00 PM
Lmmfao! Omg Gershon you have done it now hahaha! I'm in a fit of laughter and cannot stop! Ummmm I'm telling someone (don't know who but I will tell) haha!Gershon my dear friend this was quite the 1st place win haha! Too bad I have read it and by that account you are disqualified lmao! I know you didn't enter it you just love to make me die laughing! Oh my sides! Wow! Haha hehe! So clever you!;)
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/5/2020 9:11:00 PM
Well, you know, since you are laughing so hard, I could just refigure it a little here and there, and enter it with the pen-name of 'Troll Under the Bridge!' ~ Thanks, Brenda!

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