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Ultra Sound Tickles

Ultra Sound Tickles (By Moji Agha) Ultrasound tickles tickle soundly; Or do they? Do they have a choice in the matter? Or they tickle the trunk of pain reflexively, to cause reflective pained chuckles at our deep folly? Do ultrasound tickles tickle soundly by nature? Or do they learn, by nurture, to cause ultra tickles? Or alas, do nature and nurture are tickle-dancing together, as they always have? Now, talking about my tickled trunk: Does a lonely tree fallen in the forest of human ignorance make a sound (perhaps an ultra sound), when tickled by the seeing sounds of climate change? Can the ultra sounds of the worried hearts, of those who have "washed their eyes" see one another? Can they see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the fallen tree's sound of ultra pain? Of ultra warning?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 8/26/2021 3:44:00 PM
Interesting verse
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