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Ultimate Death Just Kissed My Ear

I used to use a common route from my house to my students house- It was Khilgaon- Shajahanpur rail crossing. Everyday I used to shopping fresh fish and vegetables from the street corner vendors. That rail crossing is a very crowed and dangerous place indeed. Every year lots of people loss thier lives by the trains for their carelessness. Even someone tries to cross the signal during the train passing. Once I was returning from my students house to my home. It was around 12 o'clock at night. I was having look what types of fish or vegetables were available that day. I was walking and walking. I didn't know where I was heading to? Even I didn't know I was standing on the rail track. I didn't notice that the train was coming from my backside. An eggs seller noticed me and pulled me out from the rail track. Within a second the train passed me. I was saved from the ultimate death. The ultimate death just kissed my years. But he was not successful. I didn't say anything to that man. Even as a formality I didn't say him, "Thank you" I left the place very silently. I was totally out of my mind. After couple of minutes I reached at my home. But I didn't tell anything about this horrific events to my family members. Still I don't know what was happened to me that day. What I was thinking? It's a complete mystry to me. I know this mystry will never be unveiled to me. Still now I am looking for that mysterious events answer.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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