Ukrainian Horror
To hunt with a full stomach
To bite into the neck of the smaller
Without hunger
Fangs clamped to the back of her neck
Her face
Devoured crumpled paper
Spit up
Re-smoothed to creases
Eyes nose mouth map
Her splintered village
Over her shoulder
Shreds of scarves blouses skirts
Blown to the astonished charred limbs
Of her bare front yard tree
As if the widow should believe
The willow was filled with colorful songbirds
She is lifted by Ukrainian neighbors
To an evacuation bus
The stare in her eyes
To you camera Master
That of a lame animal
About to be put down
She has but two items
After a century
The wheelchair she was locked in
And the orange and white cat
That sat in her lap
To the crowd
With a name that escapes us all.
Copyright © Robert Trezise Jr. | Year Posted 2022
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