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Ukraine By Max Burchett

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Pray war shall end and peace shall start.

  "Pray war shall end and peace shall start." from "Ukraine" by Max Burchett

by Maxwell "Max" Sebastian Burchett It is said and now I believe, Only the dead have seen the end of war. There is no end it seems To the horrors and death from the scourge of war. When the ambitions of men collide With the conflicts in the tapestry of life, The gods of war reigns supreme In the name of honor and glory and strife. Peace everlasting it seems Is but a dream. War is the fate of man, “Peace in our time," a Siren song. Just at our fingertips, time and again, Peace slips just out of reach of men, From stumbles and paths they miss, Sleepwalking into the abyss. Those never knowing war Sleep in bliss, not seeing the tragic end. Rulers and tsars playing a deadly game from afar, But war’s suffering is an all-consuming fire. Against evil, can peace prevail? The past says not, lest evil spread. The way out is to resist Tyranny at its start. Can peace be ours, even if briefly so? Only if we strive again and again To lessen the conflicts of men And to reason with wisdom and skill with those of goodwill. Seek peace, yet be prepared. Pray your child is spared. Keep hope in your heart. Pray war shall end and peace shall start. Photography by TheDigitalArtist

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 10/17/2023 5:15:00 PM
Your poem on Ukraine's war encompasses the horror + brutality of all war. Insights like "only the dead see the end of war" resonate truth + have impact. "To resist tyranny at its start" is a challenge to humankind worthy of heeding. Best wishes, Brian
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Date: 10/16/2023 1:22:00 PM
These are admirable thoughts indeed am reminded of Robert Service's poem "The Mourners" echoed loudly throughout....welcome to Manunkind and don't hold your breath it will change anytime fact, intelligence may well be the universe's step in evolution to rid itself of intelligence
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