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U S Constitution

It is among five documents that I have come to treasure more than any other. The Bible is my number one Book of Treasured Documents, followed by the U.S. Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Emancipation Proclamation, and The Gettysburg Address. Herein lies my common sense approach to what these documents mean to me. The Bible is my document of definition, identity, and purpose in life and eternity. The EP is my document of freedom from enslavement by another human or State. The GA is my document of the value and pricelessness of the ultimate sacrifice. The DI is my document of self-determination by God's design and not man's or the State. The Constitution is my document of laws, rules, interaction, and guidance within a community of fellow mortals. Today, 233 years ago on September 17, 1787, The Constitution of The United States was signed. Please allow me to celebrate by sharing an acrostic poem of The Constitution of The United States. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 UNITED, we shall boldly and confidently stand, but divided, we shall without doubt, surely fall. SEPARATION, divisiveness, greed, and selfishness need not be allowed to doom this great nation. CHRIST or God, as words, were not mentioned in the Constitution of The United States of America OMISSIONS of God and established religions were obvious, intentional, and wise. NEVER were these United States of America to be a theocracy, nor should it be. A kingdom is being built over which Christ will reign as King. SPIRITUAL foundations and God-ordained landmarks were firmly intact. TOTAL governance and responsibilities were in the hands of 'the people, not a person' or State. INSTITUTIONS were created or established by 'the people' to represent their will. THE Preamble stated its purpose and who was to be responsible for enacting it. UNION was required and exemplified with the word 'We'. TEN Bills of Rights established that the priority was 'the people', not the State. INDIVIDUAL Rights were to be promoted, preserved, and protected by the majority. OPPORTUNITY for the common man knocked, and the door of equality was opened. NEGOTIATION, compromise, conversation, debate, and discussion were to be highly venerated. 091520PSCtest, Completely Your Choice(13), Brain Strand

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 9/17/2020 10:36:00 AM
Well written poem Curtis. Great to see :)
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