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Typically Luke Poem 3 - All Stuck Up

Luke’s been playing with the glue again Now everything sticks everywhere There’s food glued to the table And his bum is glued to the chair My feet are glued to the floorboards My hands are glued to my side I’ve even noticed the odd bird or two Glued to the branches outside I can see it will be one of those days Clearing up will take forever I was going to read my favourite book But the pages are glued together So I wouldn’t come and visit right now Because things are a little bit wacky And you may not be able to leave What with everything being so tacky I think I’ll just stand here a while To be honest I’m frightened to sit Maybe tomorrow will be better As for today, well I’m stuck with it.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 6/9/2013 6:19:00 AM
- I had to read Luke today also ...... He will be a "great artist" over the years ... lol .. - Yes, he takes your breath from you ..... stand still .... count to 100! - (Love you, Luke!) - oxox / / Anne-Lise :)
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Gary Wayne Hill
Date: 6/9/2013 7:09:00 AM
Thank you my friend, I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, I hope you'll be glad to know there are 27 poems in the series (so far) I am hoping to publish them in a book one day.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things