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Tyche upon the Stone

The Concernment of Peoples he stood before all of the world to speak his concern for the future he marveled at mans achievements he spoke of mans ability to create and recreate to survive the harness of climates to make uneven plains flat and straighten the oddest of surfaces He ordered his servants to excavate the soils for minerals and he called upon Tyche to be the model. Tyche who is Goddess of abundance and prosperity the fortunes and lucks of folk. she shall stand upon the trophy that shall be awarded to those who are inspired to create music and eclectic sounds. Good fortune and Success be upon ye.Cavaliere Ereditario Tyche Trophiono Or she above the stones to the success of one's works. "Quando Mi Sposerò Nuovi Suoni Mi Annunceranno" Spoke Tyche at her modeling. Asasa Afua tied for peacock feathers together and afixxed them to a dozen tulips they were then wrapped in lace and turned to gold to be held by Tyche as she modeled for the trophy. A tart of spinach, cured pork, feta and drizzled honey for celebration drinks were a mix of ginger ale, champagne brandy and peach nectar a pre celebration treat for those who were blessed by the changing of tides!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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