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Two Worlds Manipulated

TWO WORLDS MANIPULATED During this stage of development, I seek élan vital. The creative principle that provides métier and impulse. In that, the essence of the soul pursues her life choice. Recourse is palpable. ***** The breeze was so relaxing that I felt like falling asleep outside. Lying in my gazebo with the branches of my deciduous trees stretched vast and wide. Yet my mind did not want to disengaged with the thoughts that preoccupied. (Maybe this is because I live life in a focus in that all aspects may manifest a takeover). But oh, immanently I know that a bottle of emotions can explode. So I took a deep breath and said all things that are possible can be known and achieved. In meaning, I have to accept those things that must be depleted. As I yawn, I experienced an aura and my eyes recede into stupor and a dream. I am walking amidst the trees. |_______________________________|__________________________________| Written March 2, 2016!

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