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Two Thousand and Twenty Three Part 3

The perils they continue As the lightening claimed the sun "I's gots ta watch tha leader Un hope her don't decides ta run" "Gabe youse gits tha boys un tow Case all hell coulds breaks oot" Said Samuel as he started for his mount Rope in hand he crawled aboard his eyes upon the cow Another danger passed they traveled on The days were getting shorter as the season changed The grass was beginning to pale But the cattle still managed to get their fill They had just crossed the Platt River And the ground began to move Grasshoppers by the millions As far as they could see. The ground was totally naked Not a spear of grass was found And this was where they planned to camp It was to late to travel on Cookie banged the pots and pans Trying to cook bug free While the cowboys tried to clear the land Thus their bedrolls to put down" The cattle stomped And pawed the ground They weren't to anxious Tonight to bed down

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 8/18/2010 8:59:00 AM
more more more on to part 4
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