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Two Thieves

The morning we came to shore I noticed you needed a snore Aye, the rocking voyage Our limbs fastened 'neath the tunnage Stow-aways, legs and arms a-curl Our union tested in the Maritime swirl Honey, what was that? Your color has gone purple! Baby--don't go! God help this poor cripple! Wait, I see, coming out of the trees I see someone! (grunt)-Can't even get on my knees! Oh, to renew your heart and my legs! Our riches may as well be rags. Darling you're so still. Your chest barely heaves. That man, he's coming towards us now. "Oh, please, help us, please! I've stolen all the kings gold, and rubies off the monuments. My wife has freed all his parakeets, and all his personal elephants. There's a bounty on our heads, and I'll give you all we've stolen If you only save my wife I'll deliver you my last token!" He can't hear me, this coastal wind how it moans Or is that you, my dear? Though look here! The man carries no mere stones, A hatchet, a radio, and a wheel of cheese, which will he employ? I hope the hatchet's for the cheese, and the radio for songs of joy! Dear, are you still there? Dear? Oh, dear...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 11/17/2010 9:14:00 PM
oh wow! This sure is sad, Matt! The price one pays for what one does-- another gripping poem that made me want to read it again to see whether I got it right-- oh dear indeed! enjoyed reading this- btw just an extra "the" in that line "My wife..." hope this helps :) -- nikko :)
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Date: 11/17/2010 1:12:00 PM
What a wonderful story, I was captivated from the first word~~well done.. soup mail ~~ Love Constance
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Date: 11/16/2010 8:05:00 PM
Hey Matt noticed your contest closed a while ago and hope all is well with u luv.. looking forward to hearing from u and reading your winners list.. good luck.. with luv..
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