Two Sides To Every Story
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I hate gossip.
It's cruel and rude plain and simple if anything so hateful and intentionally harmful can be called plain or simple.
There is more than one way to commit murder. You can murder someone's reputation by what you say or don't say thus deminishing their very quality of life.
People gossip for many reasons. Don't be a party to it.
Remember, when you point your finger at someone else your other three fingers are pointing right back at yourself. Also, when you gossip you are also telling others about yourself, you tell them YOU are a GOSSIP.
There are two sides to every story,
And the whole thing is not often heard;
For people are wont most often,
To take sides and embellish the words.
They choose to support their favorites,
Causing one to bear all the blame,
Taking great sport in the sparring,
And scarring the other's good name.
No matter the cause of the rukus,
The emotional scars and the pain.
No matter the truth or right and wrong,
They see it all as a good game.
It brings to their lives some excitement,
A break in monotony.
Oft taking interest away from themselves,
And their own autonomy.
Don't take to heart the stories you hear,
Second hand information at best.
Don't listen to tales from wagging tongues,
Attempting to feather their nest.
Just keep to yourself whatever you know,
Adding no fuel to the fire;
And you will have friends wherever you go,
By simply not raising their ire.
Copyright © Judy Ball | Year Posted 2023
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