Two Reach It's Own
You try to break my spirit.
But I am gonna destroy yours.
For you have no idea of all the things I already dealt with.
You are child play to me, like a child that will never mature.
You do not know my past, for it turned me to a warrior.
I will conquer you while you live in guilt and shame.
For because of people like you ,you made me realize my power my strength.
I will combine them all in all full blast. As I did with everything from my past every thing will surpass.
You are the devil that I never thought I would come across
With next.
For I guess all the ones I was dealing with was your children. I got over from everything they had caused now I see that it's your turn.
May the world crumble after I am done with you.for as always it's never a Happy ending with every person that comes my way.
Copyright © Nagella Jean-Baptiste | Year Posted 2018
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