Two Chimps and a Jeep
What is that roaring, throwing dust in the air like stampeding water buffalo I do not know? Spinning and running up a tree It might eat us, whatever it is. Dropping some fruit We can see better from here. Look it has four big eyes and long white fangs. You think that is strange, look at its feet it’s got four alligators for feet, what kind of creature could this be? Look its got a man, in its see through belly and one long whisker on the side. POW, fire from the whisker and a lion drops near it, then honks like some deranged goose. Holding one another and shaking in the tree. What shall we call it? How about we call it, after the terrifying shrill you made. You mean we made JEEEP! JEEEP!
Copyright © John Beam | Year Posted 2017
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