'Twas The Night Before Christmas
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The Night Before - 4 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Joseph May

'Twas the night before Christmas at my house
when I heard a noise I knew wasn't a mouse.
My son was fast asleep, safe in his bed;
through his window, I saw a flash of red.
I thought raccoons were causing this uproar,
I know what they're like; I've heard them before.
Tipping over garbage cans, they're a pest;
wanting to see for myself, I got dressed.
No one was stirring, so I went to see
what made enough noise to awaken me.
I grabbed a flashlight and headed outside;
then I slipped, landing square on my backside.
Let me tell you, I wasn't in a good mood,
and that fall didn't improve my attitude.
On my roof, I saw reindeer and a sled;
I didn't find raccoons, but Santa instead.
And Rudolph's shiny nose was all aglow
causing the red reflection on the snow.
Santa winked, then disappeared from my sight;
believe me, I'll never forget that night.
My wife wouldn't listen to a word I said,
stating that I probably hit my head.
But, as I was looking up from my fall,
I swear I heard, "Merry Christmas to all."
Copyright © Emile Pinet | Year Posted 2024
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